How to Tell the Difference: Park Assist Sensors: Is Your Vehicle Equipped?

Parallel parking, crowded parking lots, and tight spaces can be nerve-wracking for many drivers. Fortunately, automotive technology has evolved to alleviate the stress associated with parking through features like park assist sensors. Many of the vehicles with this as an offering will use different bumper covers that either accommodate the park assist sensors with circular cut-outs, or do not. You can follow the steps below to double check if this is something your vehicle is equipped with before placing your order.

What Are Park Assist Sensors?

Park assist sensors are designed to aid drivers in parking by detecting obstacles around the vehicle. These sensors, often located in the front and rear bumpers, use ultrasonic or electromagnetic technology to gauge the distance between the vehicle and nearby objects. When an obstacle is detected, the system alerts the driver through audible beeps, visual indicators, or both.

How to Tell If Your Vehicle Has Park Assist Sensors

Check the Vehicle Manual:

The quickest and most reliable way to find out if your vehicle is equipped with park assist sensors is to consult the owner's manual. This comprehensive guide usually provides detailed information about the features and specifications of your specific make and model.

Explore Vehicle Settings on Infotainment System:

Some vehicles allow you to customize and control various features through the infotainment system. Navigate through the settings menu to find a section related to parking or safety features. If your vehicle has park assist sensors, there may be options to enable or disable the system.

Look for Visual or Audible Alerts:

Start your vehicle and shift into reverse gear. If your car is equipped with park assist sensors, you should receive visual or audible alerts when an obstacle is detected behind you. Keep an eye on the instrument cluster or listen for beeping sounds.

Inspect the Bumpers:

Physically examine the front and rear bumpers of your vehicle. Look for small, round sensors or small protruding areas that could house the sensors. These come in sets of 4 or 6, and are usually about the size of a dime.

Park assist sensors are a valuable addition to modern vehicles, providing drivers with an extra set of eyes when maneuvering in tight spaces. By following the tips outlined above, you can easily determine whether your vehicle is equipped with this technology and be sure to order the correct part for a seamless repair! Get in touch with us today!