Unfold & Unwrap: Everything You Need To Know

In the world of buying car parts online, how we handle shipping is a big deal, affecting both cost and convenience. We've got a trick up our sleeves- we offer FOLDED BUMPER COVERS!  But don't worry, it doesn't mess with the product quality.  In fact, it is a common move among online sellers for some good reasons.

Why Fold Bumper Covers?

Folding bumpers was a decision we did not take lightly.  Offering folded bumper covers is our way of thinking about our customers first and offering an alternative solution for those of you who want to save money, yet still care for your vehicle. We fold them strategically to save on shipping costs without sacrificing the quality you expect. We fold just the ends, making the package smaller and more affordable to send your way.

Plastic's Flexibility: A Big Plus

Most bumper covers are made of plastic, which is super flexible.  So, if you get a folded bumper, it's no biggie.  Just put it in the sun, or a warm room, and the plastic will bounce back to its normal shape.  If you want to help speed the process, you can use a heat gun or even a hair dryer to help it along. 

Unveiling the Unfolding Process: Video Guide

To show you how easy it is, we've made a step-by-step video guide. Check it out below and unfold your bumper cover stress-free.  We also package a written guide with your bumper!! 

Your Bumper, Your Way

At Bumpers That Deliver, we care about giving you top-quality products in a way that's friendly on your wallet and the environment. Our folded bumpers reflect our commitment to being innovative and giving you the best value.

So, the next time you get a folded bumper cover from us, know that it's a thoughtful decision to provide you with the best product at the best price. Unfold and unwrap confidently, and your bumper cover will go back to its original shape like magic.

Got questions or concerns? Feel free to ask our customer service team. We're here to make your entire experience with us smooth, from buying to driving.

Enjoy the ride and get in contact with us today, we would love to help!